Bow Hunt

October 8, 2011

My sisters and friends had a baby shower for Tara in Yoakum last weekend, and as a result, I got to spend a little time in the stand. I've had my trail cam out for the past few weeks and haven't seen any deer worth shooting yet, but I did get a lot of pics of a group of pigs.

As I was walking into my blind about 5:30 Saturday morning, I was shaken out of my delirious state quickly as this whole group of pigs ran from the feeder right beside me. As you might imagine, that was fastest I have ever climbed into my tree stand. I don't really remember, but I don't think I even used the steps.

It didn't take long for a few of them to come back, and at daylight there were 3 sitting under the feeder again. There were 2 very small ones and a gilt that probably went around 100 pounds. My shot was a little high, but worked out well, as it clipped part of her spine. Fresh backstrap on the pit!!

G5 Tekan, ran 10 feet

Great self photography
I went back Saturday evening hoping the big group would come back out, but no such luck. There is a doe with 2 buck fawns that never leaves the feeder unless the pigs are there, and they were there all evening.

Just before it got too dark to film, this little guy came out. The video would have been a lot better had I hit him. Fun none the less.

Happy Hunting

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